What types of services does Employment Solutions Society offer?
We offer employment assistance services, at no cost, to individuals in Lunenburg and Queens Counties, who are legally entitled to work in Canada. We assist eligible registered clients in applying for employment benefit programs being offered by either the Province of Nova Scotia or the Federal Government of Canada, see Job Seekers tab for more information. We offer employer services (at no charge), in human resources, recruitment, planning and retention, see our Employers tab for more information.
Can you find me a job?
There are multitude of ways we help individuals find jobs. We offer Self-Services (no cost) which anyone can access to better prepare themselves for job searching or career decision making. For registered clients, we offer Assisted Employment Services (at no cost) our staff will help you develop the skills necessary to be successful in your job search one-to-one. Visit our Job Seekers tab to find out more on our services. Our staff offer support, guidance and options, we do not actually find you a job.
How much do your services cost?
All of our services are provided at no charge. We are a non-profit organization funded through the Canada-Nova Scotia Labour Market Development Agreement under the direction of Employment Nova Scotia and governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
Do I have to be on Employment Insurance to access your services?
No, being on an active Employment Insurance claim is not needed to be a registered with us to access our no cost employment services. We assist all individuals with their employment or career related needs and goals. If you are interested in accessing funding programs, all funding programs have specific criteria that you will need to meet and would require registering with us to work one-to-one with our staff.
How much funding can I get?
Each employment benefit program funding application is assessed on an individual basis by Employment Nova Scotia; the amount approved is determined by individual need.
I have a question about my Employment Insurance claim, can you help me?
Only Service Canada can answer questions about the Employment Insurance program or claim. The local office is located at 77 Dufferin Street, Bridgewater, NS call toll free 1-800-205-7218 (phone line is open 7 days a week).
I have no work experience, how can I get a job?
We all have transferable skills, if you register and work on a Return to Work Action Plan with us, our staff can assess your suitability and eligibility to access an employment benefit program such as the START Program offered by Employment Nova Scotia.
I am working full time, can you help me find a different job or go to school?
Yes, our staff are trained and can assess your needs to provide guidance in reaching your employment or career related goals.
Do I need to look for work when I want to go back to school, upgrade my education or access skills training?
Yes, as part of accessing an employment benefit program and preparing a funding application, you will need to be actively seeking employment using all resources. You will be asked to document your job search and outline your efforts to show that you have been unsuccessful in your current job search. The goal of the Skill Enhancement program is to assist individuals in acquiring skills necessary for employment. If you already have great skills and are able to become employed with your current skill set, there might be no need for you to acquire additional training or skills to become employed.
What is a disability as it relates to employment?
A disability can be any physical, mental, intellectual, auditory or a learning condition that affects an individual’s ability to perform the activities of daily living, such as employment. A disability can be visible or invisible, temporary or permanent. We have services and programs available for individuals who self-identify as having a disability. If you feel that you have a disability, you may discuss this confidentially one to one with a staff member.
What is a barrier to employment?
A barrier is anything that makes it difficult to secure, search for or maintain employment. Barriers may include lack of transportation, education level, poor work history, adequate child care and a criminal record. A disability can also be a barrier to employment.
I want to start a business, can you help me?
Yes, in order to access self-employment benefit program, our staff can work with you individually to complete a self-employment benefit program application. We do not have business counselors on staff; however, will refer you to an outside agency to assist with entrepreneurship and continue to work with you throughout the self-employment benefit program even after you start your business.
How long will it take for me to find a job?
It depends and varies as everyone's situation and employment needs differ. Actively participating in the process will increase one's chances.
Who do I need to see to discuss my situation?
Simply contact us, visit our centre, call or email us and our staff will direct you on how to access our services and schedule an appointment to meet with us based on your individual needs.
I am an employer looking to hire someone, can you help me?
Employers can contact us, drop into our centre, call or email us about hiring options; employers are encouraged to register with Employment Nova Scotia to access hiring incentive programs such as the START program at LaMPSS or call 1-877-223-0888. We also provide employers with FREE Employer services such as all job posts gain exposure through, the Nova Scotia Works one-stop job search and career advice resource website at https:/novascotiaworks.ca , as well as our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram accounts.
Can I have a resume created at your CENTRES?
Anyone can participate in our online webinars or in-person workshops designed to enhance your resume and cover letter, access our public computers and use resume and cover letter building software. You can visit our Resume & Cover Letter Building tab on our website to use online resume and cover letter builders or download templates. We have many resources to assist you in creating or updating your resume in our centres, such as literature, worksheets and template downloads. We also provide one-to-one resume critiques for registered clients, we do not offer a resume typing service at our centres.