We are able to offer inclusive design and accessibility options such as location, software and hardware technologies to assist individuals in accessing services:
- Accessible centre locations.
- Access to computers with mice designed to assist individuals with motor skills challenges.
- Standing/sitting height adjustable desks.
- Headphones with mic and webcam.
- Ergonomic hardware, arm support, keyboard wrist rest.
- Text to speech, speech to text software.
- Screen magnification programs.
- CoWriter – word prediction program.
- Kurzweil 3000 – reading application that lets you convert printed text into audio feedback.
- WinWay Resume Delux 14 – resume and cover letter building software.
- Typing Instruction program - Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.
- Scan Soft – as you talk your words are transcribed into your electronic documents or email messages.
- Universal computer - three of our centres (Bridgewater, Liverpool & Hubbards) have this computers installed with a wide variety of hardware and software enhancements.
- We have more accessibility options, just ask one of our staff for assistance.